Saturday, January 16, 2010

We found our baby bedding!!!

This is a picture of the bedding we ordered today! We were so happy to finally find something that we liked! Thanks for the suggestions! Now we just have to wait till the end of February to get it because they don't have it in stock right now.
We went to our childbirth class today and learned a whole lot about the end of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and post-partum care. It was a very good class and we left feeling a little more confident about beocming parents.
We watched 3 different women on our videos give birth naturally, and I am never ever going to do that, especially after today. It was scary! I want any pain medication that they are willing to give to me to make this experience as comfortable for me as possible, especially for Jeff's sake!
Jeff was so good in class. He was taking notes and into everything, he's just so great! Thank goodness God blessed me with a mature, wonderful, responcible, loving, I could go on forever but you get the idea :). I just love him more and more all the time! He's going to be such a great Dad, and he reminds me more and more of my dad all the time which is such a wonderful thing because I have the best Dad in the whole world!

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